do it while we live it

blogging just for fun ;)

Monday 24 October 2011

Selasa hari yg sunGguh x funCtion again

just lost my handphoness and mp4. tertinggal kat cafe KBM . 
after a hour baru sedar, WTH is wrong with me.
serious shit ni bukan the first time, obviously bukan 2nd time jugak. 
careless nye aku!!!
damnmmm.. rase nak nangis tapi xdapat sebab banyak benda penting dalam tu.. 
p/s : pade sape2 yg jumpe barang orang tu ,
 minta tolong pulangkan. sebab kita xtahu sentimental value barang tu to its owner kan.. 
huhhhh(mengeluh tok berapa kali pon xtahu da)
sedihhh gila babi punye..